Emergency Tree Services

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storms can take a Big toll on the trees in your yard

Whether in winter or the summer, storms can take a big toll on the trees in your yard. Powerful winds, lightning strikes, heavy snow, ice and rain commonly cause damage to trees. In the worst situations, trees – or large tree branches – will fall and damage your home, vehicles, garage, or other features of your property.

Emergency Tree Service

Here are some of the most common causes of weather-related damage to trees that often require our emergency tree removal services.


When trees are ill or have a disease, they get weaker and their branches are far more prone to suddenly break and fall off, which poses a safety risk to your household and property.

Diseases from trees can sometimes spread to other trees in the area, so it’s essential to contact us to remove any diseased trees from your property as soon as you become aware of them. Leveled Up can safely remove diseased trees while minimizing any risk of disease spreading to other, nearby trees.

Pests and viruses can slowly and steadily kill a tree from within, and eventually, make them unsalvageable. When that occurs tree removal is the best and sole option.

Common warning signs of disease include:

Like all living things, trees eventually die regardless of how well property owners take care of them. Sometimes, for any variety of reasons, property owners may leave their dead trees standing for many years even after the final leaf falls. Possibly, it’s because they are used to the tree occupying a unique spot in their landscape and they don’t want to make a change. In most situations, keeping a long-dead and decaying tree around can raise some adverse risks.

When it’s Time to Schedule Tree Removal by Leveled Up

For starters, a dead tree – particularly a large tree – can create other hassles that may lead to additional expenses. Homeowners are wise to consult with tree experts about removing and replacing dead trees on their landscape.

Dead trees can:

For emergency tree removal or to schedule a free estimate on our tree removal service call us at 309-634-9569.