Tree Removal Peoria IL

Tree Removal Peoria IL – Leveled Up Tree & Crane Service – Call 309-634-9569

Are you concerned about an unhealthy tree in your yard? If it has a hollow trunk or fungus growth, it may need immediate attention and possibly even emergency Tree Removal Peoria IL. A storm with strong winds could topple a weakened, diseased tree. While some conditions can be treated with trimming by a tree care expert, there are some common signs you should contact us for Tree Removal Peoria IL.

Sometimes they aren’t readily obvious, meaning you’ll need an arborist to examine and diagnose the tree. If Tree Removal Peoria IL, is advised you’ll almost certainly want to contact a professional service like Leveled Up. DIY removal may be doable with healthy, smaller trees, but removing a dying or dead large tree poses a greater safety risk.

If your tree displays the following signs of decay or illness, it may time to book Tree Removal Peoria IL:

-Vertical cracks on the trunk.
-Peeling bark.
-Dead branches.
-Open gaps and wounds.
-Major trunk damage.
-Damage from a lightning strike.

Tree Removal Peoria IL

Tree Removal Peoria IL

Hollow Trunk
The hollow space in the trunk might look a fun photo opportunity, but in fact it’s a warning sign of internal deterioration that is weakening the tree.

Falling tree branches also may expose cavities that make an ideal place for squirrels and other critters. This doesn’t mean you need to disturb that squirrel family by taking away their home just yet. Call Leveled Up Tree & Crane Service and have our experts determine if the tree is still healthy enough to remain.

Signs that a tree is hollow are not always apparent. You can check for hollowness by knocking on sections of the tree with a mallet. This is a fundamental way of checking the tree as a DIY project, but it’s also advisable to get our tree care experts to assess your tree. They are trained to identify even minor changes in sound.

Several Dead Branches
This is a warning sign of a tree suffering from pest infestation, disease, or other stress. The occasional dying branch is no reason for alarm, but a tree with multiple dead branches might signal another underlying problem.

You can usually determine branch are alive when:

-The bark is still firmly intact and attached.
-The branch is still flexible. Dead branches snap easily.
-There’s bud and foliage on the branches during the growth season.
-When you scratch the branch, you can see the layer beneath is green.

Dead branches, when they’re large enough, can prove dangerous to your landscape. A strong wind can send them airborne. Or, a buildup of snow can snap them. Check for branches that are rubbing together because it can cause wounds that leave the tree vulnerable to disease.

Fungal Disease
Any mushroom-like growths on the base of your tree are cause for concern. Fungi on a tree is a common indicator of a disease. Although some are treatable, they can also be potentially fatal to the tree or those surrounding it.

Some of the other typical signs of a diseased, unhealthy tree are:

-Leaves are wilting, discolored or falling off.
-Depressions on the trunk.
-Stunted, delayed growth.

Tree Removal Peoria IL

If a tree care professional verifies your tree is dying, removal is typically your sole option. Tell-tale warnings that a tree is dying or dead include:

-No buds or leaves during any part of the growing season.
-The trunk has a noticeable lean.
-Dead branches.
-With evergreen trees, the canopy is thinning, excessive needle loss, or the tips of the needles are brown.
-Infested with insects.

If you need Tree Removal Peoria IL, call 309-634-9569!

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