Tree Service Bartonville IL

Tree Service Bartonville IL – Leveled Up Tree & Crane Service – Call 309-634-9569


Consistent trimming is important for the general health of trees as well as maintaining their beauty. It can be easy to get used to what might look like a beautiful, healthy tree. However, there might be some problems that aren’t readily apparent.

If left unattended these problems may result in a misshapen tree that is vulnerable to damage from the elements. Additionally, disease can pose a problem if permitted to spread to other branches on the tree.

If you are planning to clean up and care for the trees on your property, watch for these common signs of the need for professional Tree Service Bartonville IL.

Tree Service Bartonville IL

Tree Service Bartonville IL

-Diseased or weak limb unions can negatively affect the overall integrity of the tree. These branches may also fall without warning. Typically, this can be a common issue with elm and maple trees, although practically any type of tree can struggle with this problem.

-Cankers can appear on trees as sunken areas on the bark of large branches. Sections of the bark could be missing, or the cankers might be the result of a wound to the tree.

-Dead tree branches can become brittle and prone to breaking. If large enough, they could fall and injure someone or damage your roof if they land on it. Smaller limbs can break away and get trapped in the tree, eventually causing damage to it. Strong winds can send these branches airborne, posing a hazardous situation.

-Trimming can improve the appearance of poorly shaped trees, making them beautiful once again. Trimming is essential for preventing the spread of disease that can threaten a tree’s health and even require removal of it. If you are observing what appears to be illness in any of your trees, don’t hesitate to call us for Tree Service Bartonville IL.

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